2013-02-16 08:32:02 +00:00
from brie.config import ldap_config
2014-01-24 03:48:51 +00:00
from brie.model.ldap import *
2013-09-10 22:28:40 +00:00
import datetime
2013-02-16 08:32:02 +00:00
class Residences:
def get_dn_by_name(user_session, name):
result = user_session.ldap_bind.search_first(ldap_config.liste_residence_dn, "(cn=" + name + ")")
if result is None:
return None
#end if
return result.uniqueMember.first()
#end def
def get_name_by_dn(user_session, dn):
result = user_session.ldap_bind.search_first(ldap_config.liste_residence_dn, "(uniqueMember=" + dn + ")")
if result is None:
return None
#end if
return result.cn.first()
#end def
def get_residences(user_session):
return user_session.ldap_bind.search(ldap_config.liste_residence_dn, "(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)")
#end def
#end class
2013-09-10 22:28:40 +00:00
class CotisationComputes:
def current_year():
now = datetime.datetime.now()
2014-01-01 23:11:34 +00:00
if now.month > 8:
2013-09-10 22:28:40 +00:00
return now.year + 1
return now.year
#end def
def get_available_months(start, end, paid_months = []):
next_months_available = []
if start > 12 or end > 12:
raise Exception("invalid start or end")
if start > 8 and end > 8:
next_months_available = range(start, end + 1)
2014-01-07 00:22:00 +00:00
elif start <= 8 and end < 9:
next_months_available = range(start, end + 1)
2013-09-10 22:28:40 +00:00
elif start > 8:
next_months_available = range(start, 13) + range(1, end + 1 )
raise Exception("invalid start and end")
#end if
if paid_months == []:
return next_months_available
print next_months_available
available_months = [
for month in next_months_available
if month not in paid_months
return available_months
#end def
def is_valid_month(month):
now = datetime.datetime.now()
if now.month > 8:
return (month >= now.month and month < 13) or (month >= 1 and month < 9)
return month >= now.month and month < 9
#end if
#end def
def price_to_pay(year_price, month_price, already_paid, number_months_to_pay):
2013-02-16 08:32:02 +00:00
2013-09-10 22:28:40 +00:00
months_price = number_months_to_pay * month_price
print "already paid : " + str(already_paid)
print "months price : " + str(months_price)
2013-10-01 14:08:35 +00:00
if already_paid + months_price > year_price:
months_price = max(0, year_price - already_paid)
2013-09-10 22:28:40 +00:00
return months_price
#end def
2013-09-29 17:51:10 +00:00
2014-01-24 03:48:51 +00:00
def anniversary_from_ldap_items(ldap_cotisations):
2013-09-29 17:51:10 +00:00
result = []
2014-02-15 15:35:40 +00:00
months = []
2013-09-29 17:51:10 +00:00
for cotisation in ldap_cotisations:
anniversary_data = cotisation.get("x-time").first()
anniversary_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(anniversary_data,
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
for month in cotisation.get("x-validMonth").all():
2014-01-24 03:48:51 +00:00
2013-09-29 17:51:10 +00:00
#end for
2014-01-24 03:48:51 +00:00
result.append((anniversary_datetime, months))
2013-09-29 17:51:10 +00:00
#end for
2014-01-24 03:48:51 +00:00
anniversary = 0
# tri par ordre d'inscription
2013-09-29 17:51:10 +00:00
result = sorted(result)
if result != []:
2014-01-24 03:48:51 +00:00
anniversary_day = result[0][0].day
SORT_ORDER = {9: 0, 10: 1, 11: 2, 12: 3, 1: 4, 2: 5, 3: 6, 4: 7, 5: 8, 6: 9, 7: 10, 8: 11}
months.sort(key=lambda val: SORT_ORDER[val])
anniversary_month = months[-1] + 1
if anniversary_month == 13:
anniversary_month = 1
if anniversary_month > 9:
anniversary_year = result[0][0].year
else :
anniversary_year = result[0][0].year + 1
anniversary = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(anniversary_year) + "-" + str(anniversary_month) + "-1 0:0", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + datetime.timedelta(days=(anniversary_day - 1))
2013-09-29 17:51:10 +00:00
#end if
2014-01-24 03:48:51 +00:00
return anniversary
#end def
# old = SDF or no cotisation this year
def is_old_member(member, user_session, residence_dn):
current_year = CotisationComputes.current_year()
cotisations = Cotisation.cotisations_of_member(user_session, member.dn, current_year)
return Room.get_by_member_dn(user_session, residence_dn, member.dn) == None or cotisations == []
#end def
2014-03-03 18:49:43 +00:00
# no cotisation for 2 years
def is_member_to_delete(member, user_session, residence_dn):
current_year = CotisationComputes.current_year()
cotisations_this_year = Cotisation.cotisations_of_member(user_session, member.dn, current_year)
cotisations_previous_year = Cotisation.cotisations_of_member(user_session, member.dn, current_year - 1)
return cotisations_this_year == [] and cotisations_previous_year == []
#end def
2014-01-24 03:48:51 +00:00
# 7 days grace period
def is_cotisation_paid(member, user_session, residence_dn):
if CotisationComputes.is_old_member(member, user_session, residence_dn):
return False
current_year = CotisationComputes.current_year()
now = datetime.datetime.now()
cotisations = Cotisation.cotisations_of_member(user_session, member.dn, current_year)
anniversary = CotisationComputes.anniversary_from_ldap_items(cotisations)
delta = (now - anniversary)
2014-03-03 18:49:43 +00:00
if member.dn == "uid=emir.kort,ou=2013,ou=membres,dc=ile,dc=u-psud,dc=fr":
print "member :" + member.dn + "delta :" + str(delta) + "now :" + str(now) + "anniversary :" + str(anniversary)
2014-01-24 03:48:51 +00:00
return delta.days <= 7
#end def
2013-09-29 17:51:10 +00:00
2014-01-24 03:48:51 +00:00
# less than a month late but more than a week
def is_cotisation_late(member, user_session, residence_dn):
if CotisationComputes.is_old_member(member, user_session, residence_dn):
return False
current_year = CotisationComputes.current_year()
now = datetime.datetime.now()
2013-09-29 17:51:10 +00:00
2014-01-24 03:48:51 +00:00
cotisations = Cotisation.cotisations_of_member(user_session, member.dn, current_year)
anniversary = CotisationComputes.anniversary_from_ldap_items(cotisations)
delta = (now - anniversary)
#print("[DEBUG] cotisation en retard pour l'utilisateur "+ member.dn +" now="+ str(now) +" anniversary="+ str(anniversary) +" delta="+ str(delta))
return delta.days <= 30 and delta.days > 7
2013-09-29 17:51:10 +00:00
#end def
2014-01-24 03:48:51 +00:00
# more than a month late
def is_no_cotisation(member, user_session, residence_dn):
if CotisationComputes.is_old_member(member, user_session, residence_dn):
return False
current_year = CotisationComputes.current_year()
now = datetime.datetime.now()
cotisations = Cotisation.cotisations_of_member(user_session, member.dn, current_year)
anniversary = CotisationComputes.anniversary_from_ldap_items(cotisations)
delta = (now - anniversary)
return delta.days > 30
#end def
def members_status_from_residence(user_session, residence_dn):
members = Member.get_all(user_session, residence_dn)
old_members = []
cotisation_paid_members = []
cotisation_late_members = []
no_cotisation_members = []
for member in members:
if CotisationComputes.is_old_member(member, user_session, residence_dn):
elif CotisationComputes.is_cotisation_paid(member, user_session, residence_dn):
elif CotisationComputes.is_cotisation_late(member, user_session, residence_dn):
#print("[DEBUG] cotisation en retard pour l'utilisateur "+ member.dn)
elif CotisationComputes.is_no_cotisation(member, user_session, residence_dn):
2014-01-24 21:55:07 +00:00
print "DEBUG : member with weird status !"
2014-01-24 03:48:51 +00:00
#end if
#end for
2014-01-24 21:55:07 +00:00
return dict(old_members=old_members, cotisation_paid_members=cotisation_paid_members, cotisation_late_members=cotisation_late_members, no_cotisation_members=no_cotisation_members)
2014-01-24 03:48:51 +00:00
#end def
2013-09-10 22:28:40 +00:00
#end class