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from brie.config import ldap_config
2013-09-10 22:28:40 +00:00
import datetime
class Residences:
def get_dn_by_name(user_session, name):
result = user_session.ldap_bind.search_first(ldap_config.liste_residence_dn, "(cn=" + name + ")")
if result is None:
return None
#end if
return result.uniqueMember.first()
#end def
def get_name_by_dn(user_session, dn):
result = user_session.ldap_bind.search_first(ldap_config.liste_residence_dn, "(uniqueMember=" + dn + ")")
if result is None:
return None
#end if
#end def
def get_residences(user_session):
return, "(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)")
#end def
#end class
2013-09-10 22:28:40 +00:00
class CotisationComputes:
def current_year():
now =
if now.year > 8:
return now.year + 1
return now.year
#end def
def get_available_months(start, end, paid_months = []):
next_months_available = []
if start > 12 or end > 12:
raise Exception("invalid start or end")
if start > 8 and end > 8:
next_months_available = range(start, end + 1)
elif start > 8:
next_months_available = range(start, 13) + range(1, end + 1 )
elif start <= 8 and end < 9:
next_months_available = range(start, 9)
raise Exception("invalid start and end")
#end if
if paid_months == []:
return next_months_available
print next_months_available
available_months = [
for month in next_months_available
if month not in paid_months
return available_months
#end def
def is_valid_month(month):
now =
if now.month > 8:
return (month >= now.month and month < 13) or (month >= 1 and month < 9)
return month >= now.month and month < 9
#end if
#end def
def price_to_pay(year_price, month_price, already_paid, number_months_to_pay):
2013-09-10 22:28:40 +00:00
months_price = number_months_to_pay * month_price
print "already paid : " + str(already_paid)
print "months price : " + str(months_price)
if already_paid + months_price > year_price:
months_price = max(0, year_price - already_paid)
2013-09-10 22:28:40 +00:00
return months_price
#end def
def ldap_items_to_months_list(ldap_cotisations):
result = []
for cotisation in ldap_cotisations:
anniversary_data = cotisation.get("x-time").first()
anniversary_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(anniversary_data,
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
for month in cotisation.get("x-validMonth").all():
result.append((anniversary_datetime, int(month)))
#end for
#end for
first_anniversary_day = 0
# tri par ordre d'inscription et pas ordre de mois
result = sorted(result)
if result != []:
# premier anniversaire
first_anniversary_day = result[0][0].day
#end if
months_without_anniversary = [item[1] for item in result]
return months_without_anniversary, first_anniversary_day
#end def
2013-09-10 22:28:40 +00:00
#end class