--- - name: Find hard links in {{ item.dir }} ansible.builtin.command: "find '{{ item.dir }}' -type f -links +1" register: find_hard_links # Duplicity does not support hard links - name: Assert that there is no hard links in {{ item.dir }} ansible.builtin.assert: that: - find_hard_links.stdout | length == 0 msg: "Duplicity does not support hard links." - name: Create SWIFT bucket {{ item.name }} openstack.cloud.object_container: name: "{{ item.name }}" state: present environment: "{{ DUPLICITY_ENVIRONMENT }}" - name: Backup {{ item.dir }} with duplicity ansible.builtin.command: "duplicity --num-retries 3 --full-if-older-than 1M --progress --archive-dir {{ ARCHIVE_DIR }} --name {{ item.name }} --allow-source-mismatch '{{ item.dir }}' swift://{{ item.name }}" environment: "{{ DUPLICITY_ENVIRONMENT }}" - name: Clean old duplicity backups for {{ item.name }} ansible.builtin.command: "duplicity remove-older-than 2M --archive-dir {{ ARCHIVE_DIR }} --name {{ item.name }} --allow-source-mismatch --force swift://{{ item.name }}" environment: "{{ DUPLICITY_ENVIRONMENT }}"