2019-04-14 20:37:40 +02:00

164 lines
4.9 KiB

$page_name = "Liste du mat&eacute;riel";
include "inc/roles.php";
include "inc/inc.header.php";
$mode = $_GET['mode'];
$filter = $_GET['filter'];
$vlan = $_GET['vlan'];
if($vlan != "")
$mode = "phone";
$o = $_GET['order'];
if($o == '') $o = 'name';
switch($o) {
case 'name': $order = "m.hostname"; break;
case 'ip': $order = "ip"; break;
case 'type': $order = "m.type, m.hostname"; break;
case 'link': $order = "m2.hostname, ifname"; break;
default: $order = "m.hostname"; break;
<form action="list.php" name="filterform">
if($mode != "phone")
echo "Filtrer par nom : <input type=\"text\" name=\"filter\" size=\"40\" value=\"$filter\">\n";
echo "Filtrer par VLAN : <input type=\"text\" name=\"vlan\" size=\"10\" value=\"$vlan\">\n";
<input type="submit" value="Filtrer">
if($mode != "phone") {
<h3>Mat&eacute;riel manageable</h3>
$q = "SELECT m.idmateriel, hostname, type, manageable, ip, m.datelast FROM materiel m, ip
WHERE m.idmateriel = ip.idmateriel AND manageable>0 AND main = 't'
AND (capabilities & 128) <> 128 ";
if($filter != "")
$q .= "AND hostname ILIKE '%$filter%' ";
$q .= "ORDER BY $order";
$r = pg_query($q);
<h3>Mat&eacute;riel non manageable</h3>
$q = "SELECT m.idmateriel, hostname, type, manageable, ip, m.datelast FROM materiel m, ip
WHERE m.idmateriel = ip.idmateriel AND manageable=0 AND main = 't'
AND (capabilities & 128) <> 128 AND hostname NOT LIKE 'SEP%' ";
if($filter != "")
$q .= "AND hostname ILIKE '%$filter%' ";
$q .= "ORDER BY $order";
$r = pg_query($q);
} else {
$q = "SELECT m.idmateriel, m.hostname, m.type, m.manageable, ip, m.datelast, ifvoicevlan, m2.idmateriel, m2.hostname, ifname
FROM materiel m, ip, link l, interface i, materiel m2
WHERE m.idmateriel = ip.idmateriel
AND m.idmateriel = l.iddstmateriel AND l.idinterface = i.idinterface AND i.idmateriel = m2.idmateriel
AND main = 't' AND (m.capabilities & 128) = 128 ";
if($vlan != "")
$q .= "AND ifvoicevlan = $vlan ";
$q .= "ORDER BY $order";
$r = pg_query($q);
<h3>Boitiers ATA</h3>
$q = "SELECT m.idmateriel, m.hostname, m.type, m.manageable, ip, m.datelast, ifvoicevlan, m2.idmateriel, m2.hostname, ifname
FROM materiel m, ip, link l, interface i, materiel m2
WHERE m.idmateriel = ip.idmateriel
AND m.idmateriel = l.iddstmateriel AND l.idinterface = i.idinterface AND i.idmateriel = m2.idmateriel
AND main = 't' AND (m.capabilities & 128) <> 128 AND m.hostname LIKE 'SEP%' ";
if($vlan != "")
$q .= "AND ifvoicevlan = $vlan ";
$q .= "ORDER BY $order";
$r = pg_query($q);
include "inc/inc.footer.php";
function DispMatList($r) {
global $mode, $o, $filter, $vlan;
<table class="list" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1">
<tr><th width="120">IP <a href="list.php?mode=<?php echo $mode; ?>&order=ip&filter=<?php echo $filter; ?>&vlan=<?php echo $vlan; ?>"><img src="arrow<?php echo ($o=='ip'?'2':''); ?>.gif"></a></th>
<th width="160">Hostname <a href="list.php?mode=<?php echo $mode; ?>&order=name&filter=<?php echo $filter; ?>&vlan=<?php echo $vlan; ?>"><img src="arrow<?php echo ($o=='name'?'2':''); ?>.gif"></a></th>
<th width="160">Type <a href="list.php?mode=<?php echo $mode; ?>&order=type&filter=<?php echo $filter; ?>&vlan=<?php echo $vlan; ?>"><img src="arrow<?php echo ($o=='type'?'2':''); ?>.gif"></a></th>
if($mode == "phone") {
<th width="40">VLAN</th>
<th width="240">Connect&eacute; &agrave; <a href="list.php?mode=<?php echo $mode; ?>&order=link&filter=<?php echo $filter; ?>&vlan=<?php echo $vlan; ?>"><img src="arrow<?php echo ($o=='link'?'2':''); ?>.gif"></a></th>
echo "</tr>\n";
$res = pg_query("SELECT MAX(datelast) FROM materiel");
$a = pg_fetch_array($res);
$datelast = $a[0];
$i = 0;
$bline = false;
$added = array();
while($a = pg_fetch_array($r)) {
if(array_search($a[0], $added) !== false)
array_push($added, $a[0]);
if($a[5] < $datelast) $class = "red";
else if($a[3] == 2) $class = "blue";
else $class = "normal";
if($bline) $class .= "2";
if($mode == "phone") $proto = "http";
else $proto = "telnet";
echo "<tr class=\"$class\"><td><a href=\"$proto://${a[4]}/\">${a[4]}</a></td>";
echo "<td><a href=\"materiel.php?id=${a[0]}\">${a[1]}</a></td><td>${a[2]}</td>";
if($mode == "phone") {
echo "<td>${a[6]}</td>";
echo "<td><a href=\"materiel.php?id=${a[7]}\">${a[8]}</a> / ${a[9]}</td>";
echo "</tr>\n";
$bline = !$bline;
echo "</table>\n";
echo "<p>$i &eacute;quipements trouv&eacute;s.</p>\n";