200 lines
7.5 KiB
200 lines
7.5 KiB
$page_name = "Recherche de MAC";
include "libfind.php";
$mac = $_GET['mac'];
$mac = CheckFormat($mac);
if ($mac == '') header('Location: index.php');
include "inc/roles.php";
include "inc/inc.header.php";
$mac = strtolower($mac);
$unique = (strlen($mac) == 17);
<form action="findmac.php">Chercher une adresse MAC
<input type="text" name="mac" value="<?php echo $mac; ?>">
<input type="submit" value="Rechercher">
echo "<blockquote>\n";
if ($mac == '')
echo "<p class=\"error\">L'adresse MAC ".$_GET["mac"]." n'est pas valide.</p>\n";
SearchMAC($mac, $unique);
echo "</blockquote>\n";
include "inc/inc.footer.php";
function SearchMAC($mac, $unique) {
// V<>rifions si la MAC correspond <20> l'adresse d'une interface
$r = pg_query("SELECT ifaddress, idinterface, ifname, i.idmateriel, hostname
FROM interface i, materiel m
WHERE i.idmateriel = m.idmateriel
AND CAST(ifaddress AS VARCHAR(24)) ILIKE '%$mac%'
ORDER BY ifaddress");
$a = pg_fetch_array($r);
if($a) {
<p>L'adresse <b><?php echo $mac; ?></b> correspond aux interfaces suivantes</p>
<table class="list" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
<tr><th width="120">Adresse MAC</th><th width="160">Matériel</th><th width="140">Interface</th></tr>
$bline = false;
while($a) {
echo "<tr class=\"normal".($bline?2:"")."\"><td>${a[0]}</td><td><a href=\"materiel.php?id=${a[3]}\">${a[4]}</a></td>";
echo "<td><a href=\"interface.php?id=${a[1]}\">${a[2]}</a></td></tr>\n";
$bline = !$bline;
$a = pg_fetch_array($r);
echo "</table>\n";
$r = pg_query("SELECT MAX(datelast) FROM arpcache");
$datelast = pg_fetch_array($r);
$datelast = $datelast[0];
if($unique) {
$a = SearchMACinDHCP($mac);
if($a) {
<p>L'adresse MAC <b><?php echo $mac; ?></b> est présente dans le DHCP</p>
<table class="list" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
<tr><th width="160">Utilisateur</th><th width="60">Chambre</th><th width="100">Nom de machine</th></tr>
while($a) {
$bline = false;
echo "<tr class=\"normal".($bline?2:"")."\"><td><a href=\"user.php?id=".$a[0]."\">".$a[1]." ".$a[2]."</a></td>";
echo "<td><a href=\"room.php?id=".$a[4]."\">".$a[5]."</a></td><td>".$a[3]."</td></tr>\n";
$bline = !$bline;
$a = pg_fetch_array($r);
echo "</table>\n";
// Recherche dans le cache ARP
$r = pg_query("SELECT ip, foundon, hostname, a.datefirst, a.datelast
FROM arpcache a, materiel m
WHERE foundon = idmateriel AND mac = '$mac'
ORDER BY datelast DESC, ip");
$a = pg_fetch_array($r);
if($a) {
<p>L'adresse <b><?php echo $mac; ?></b> a été associée aux IP suivantes</p>
<table class="list" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
<tr><th width="100">IP</th><th width="160">Associé par</th><th width="140">Associée le</th>
<th width="140">Jusqu'au</th><th width="160">Equipement correspondant</th></tr>
$bline = false;
while($a) {
echo "<tr class=\"normal".($bline?2:"")."\"><td>";
$bline = !$bline;
if($a[4] == $datelast)
echo "<b>${a[0]}</b>";
echo $a[0];
echo "</td><td><a href=\"materiel.php?id=${a[1]}\">${a[2]}</a></td><td>".date("D d/m/Y H:i", $a[3])."</td><td>".date("D d/m/Y H:i", $a[4])."</td>";
$r2 = pg_query("SELECT m.idmateriel, hostname FROM materiel m, ip
WHERE m.idmateriel = ip.idmateriel AND ip = '${a[0]}' AND ip.datelast = ${a[4]}");
$a2 = pg_fetch_array($r2);
echo "<td><a href=\"materiel.php?id=${a2[0]}\">${a2[1]}</a></td>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "</tr>\n";
$a = pg_fetch_array($r);
echo "</table>\n";
$a = SearchMAConInterface($mac);
if($a) {
<p>L'adresse <b><?php echo $mac; ?></b> a été trouvée sur les interfaces suivantes</p>
<table class="list" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
<tr><th width="220">Matériel / Interface</th><th width="40">VLAN</th><th width="100">Date enr</th>
<th width="100">MàJ</th></tr>
$bline = false;
while($a) {
if($a[5] == $datelast)
$host = "<b>".$a[1]."</b>";
$host = $a[1];
echo "<tr class=\"normal".($bline?2:"")."\"><td><a href=\"materiel.php?id=${a[0]}\">$host</a> / <a href=\"interface.php?id=${a[6]}\">${a[2]}</a></td>";
echo "<td>${a[3]}</td><td>".date("d/m/Y H:i", $a[4])."</td><td>".date("d/m/Y H:i", $a[5])."</td></tr>\n";
$bline = !$bline;
$a = pg_fetch_array($r);
echo "</table>\n";
else {
// Recherche dans le cache ARP
$r = pg_query("SELECT mac, ip, foundon, hostname, a.datefirst, a.datelast
FROM arpcache a, materiel m
WHERE foundon = idmateriel AND CAST(mac AS VARCHAR(24)) ILIKE '%$mac%'
ORDER BY mac");
$a = pg_fetch_array($r);
if($a) {
<p>Des adresses MAC contenant <b><?php echo $mac; ?></b> ont été associées aux IPs suivantes</p>
<table class="list" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
<tr><th width="120">MAC</th><th width="100">IP</th><th width="160">Associé par</th>
<th width="140">Associée le</th><th width="140">Jusqu'au</th><th width="160">Equipement correspondant</th></tr>
$bline = false;
while($a) {
echo "<tr class=\"normal".($bline?2:"")."\"><td>${a[0]}</td><td>${a[1]}</td>";
echo "<td><a href=\"materiel.php?id=${a[2]}\">${a[3]}</a></td>";
echo "<td>".date("D d/m/Y H:i", $a[4])."</td><td>".date("D d/m/Y H:i", $a[5])."</td>";
$r2 = pg_query("SELECT m.idmateriel, hostname FROM materiel m, ip
WHERE m.idmateriel = ip.idmateriel AND ip = '${a[1]}' AND ip.datelast = ${a[5]}");
$a2 = pg_fetch_array($r2);
echo "<td><a href=\"materiel.php?id=${a2[0]}\">${a2[1]}</a></td>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "</tr>\n";
$bline = !$bline;
$a = pg_fetch_array($r);
echo "</table>\n";
// Recherche sur les interfaces.
$r = pg_query("SELECT mac, m.idmateriel, hostname, ifname, vlan, fdb.datefirst, fdb.datelast
FROM materiel m, interface i, fdb
WHERE m.idmateriel = i.idmateriel AND i.idinterface = fdb.idinterface
AND CAST(mac AS VARCHAR(24)) ILIKE '%$mac%' ORDER BY fdb.datelast DESC, mac, i.idmateriel, ifnumber");
$a = pg_fetch_array($r);
if($a) {
<p>L'adresse <b><?php echo $mac; ?></b> a été trouvée sur les interfaces suivantes</p>
<table class="list" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
<tr><th width="220">Matériel / Interface</th><th width="120">MAC</th><th width="40">VLAN</th>
<th width="100">Date enr</th><th width="100">MàJ</th></tr>
$bline = false;
while($a) {
echo "<tr class=\"normal".($bline?2:"")."\"><td><a href=\"materiel.php?id=${a[1]}\">${a[2]}</a> / ${a[3]}</td>";
echo "<td>${a[0]}</td><td>${a[4]}</td><td>".date("d/m/Y H:i", $a[5])."</td><td>".date("d/m/Y H:i", $a[6])."</td></tr>\n";
$bline = !$bline;
$a = pg_fetch_array($r);
echo "</table>\n";