
296 lines
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2019-04-14 18:37:40 +00:00
$page_name = "Salle informatique";
include "inc/roles.php";
include "inc/inc.header.php";
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'fr_FR.utf8');
$id = 53;
$mode = $_GET['mode'];
$r = pg_query("SELECT i.idmateriel, hostname, ifnumber, ifname, ifdescription, ifaddress, ifspeed, ifadminstatus,
ifoperstatus, iftype, ifvlan, ifvoicevlan, ifnativevlan, ifmodule, ifport, portdot1d, portfast, portsecenable,
portsecstatus, portsecmaxmac, portseccurrmac, portsecviolation, portseclastsrcaddr, portsecsticky FROM interface i, materiel m
WHERE i.idmateriel = m.idmateriel AND idinterface = $id");
if(!$r || !($a = pg_fetch_array($r))) {
echo "<p class=\"error\">Aucune interface ne correspond &agrave; cet identifiant</p>\n";
include "inc/inc.footer.php";
if($mode == "conf" && $_POST['num'] != "") {
$r = pg_query("SELECT MAX(idaction) FROM action");
if($am = pg_fetch_array($r))
$newid = $am[0]+1;
$newid = 1;
$num = pg_escape_string($_POST['num']);
$opt = iconv("UTF-8", "ASCII//TRANSLIT", $_POST['opt']);
if($num == -1) {
pg_query("INSERT INTO action VALUES($newid, $id, 0, '$opt')");
pg_query("INSERT INTO action VALUES($newid+1, $id, 1, '$opt')");
elseif($num == 73) {
pg_query("INSERT INTO action VALUES($newid, $id, 7, 3)");
elseif($num == 7964) {
pg_query("INSERT INTO action VALUES($newid, $id, 7, 964)");
else {
pg_query("INSERT INTO action VALUES($newid, $id, $num, '$opt')");
// Logging actions
$r = pg_query("SELECT MAX(idlog) FROM action_log");
if($am = pg_fetch_array($r))
$newid = $am[0]+1;
$newid = 1;
if($num == -1) {
pg_query("INSERT INTO action_log VALUES($newid, '$auth_user', ".time().", $id, 0, ${a[7]})");
pg_query("INSERT INTO action_log VALUES($newid+1, '$auth_user', ".time().", $id, 1, ${a[7]})");
elseif($num == 73) {
$oldopt = $a[10];
pg_query("INSERT INTO action_log VALUES($newid, '$auth_user', ".time().", $id, 7, '$oldopt', 3)");
elseif($num == 7964) {
$oldopt = $a[10];
pg_query("INSERT INTO action_log VALUES($newid, '$auth_user', ".time().", $id, 7, '$oldopt', 964)");
else {
switch($num) {
case 0:
case 1: $oldopt = $a[7]; break;
case 2: $oldopt = $a[4]; break;
case 3: $oldopt = $a[19]; break;
default: $oldopt = ''; break;
pg_query("INSERT INTO action_log VALUES($newid, '$auth_user', ".time().", $id, $num, '$oldopt', '$opt')");
function DisplayActions() {
global $id;
$r = pg_query("SELECT numaction, option FROM action WHERE idinterface = $id ORDER BY idaction");
if($a = pg_fetch_array($r)) {
<h4>Prochaines actions</h4>
while($a) {
switch($a[0]) {
case 0: $line = "shutdown"; break;
case 1: $line = "no shutdown"; break;
case 2: $line = "description ".$a[1]; break;
case 3: $line = "switchport port-security maximum ".$a[1]; break;
case 4: $line = "no switchport port-security mac-address sticky ";
$mac = explode(":", strtolower($a[1]));
$mac = $mac[0].$mac[1].".".$mac[2].$mac[3].".".$mac[4].$mac[5];
$line .= $mac; break;
case 7: $line = "vlan ".$a[1]; break;
default: $line = "";
echo "<li>$line</li>\n";
$a = pg_fetch_array($r);
function DisplayConfigForm($roles) {
global $id, $a;
if($roles['wifi_vlan4']) {
<form method="post" action="si905.php?mode=conf">
<input type="hidden" name="num" value="73"><input type="submit" value="Isoler"></form>
<form method="post" action="si905.php?mode=conf">
<input type="hidden" name="num" value="7964"><input type="submit" value="R&eacute;int&eacute;grer"></form>
<form method="post" action="si905.php?mode=conf">
<input type="hidden" name="num" value="-1"><input type="submit" value="Shut no shut"></form>
<tr><form method="post" action="si905.php?mode=conf">
<input type="hidden" name="num" value="2">
<td><input type="text" name="opt" value="<?php echo $a[4]; ?>"></td>
<td><input type="submit" value="Changer"></td>
if($roles['wifi_vlan4']) {
<tr><form method="post" action="si905.php?mode=conf">
<input type="hidden" name="num" value="3">
<td>Nombre de MACs autoris&eacute;es</td>
<td><select name="opt">
for($i=1; $i<4; $i++) {
echo "<option ";
if($a[19] == $i) echo "selected";
echo ">$i</option>\n";
if($a[19] > 3)
echo "<option selected>${a[19]}</option>\n";
<td><input type="submit" value="Changer"></td>
<?php }
// Stickies !
$r2 = pg_query("SELECT mac FROM fdb WHERE idinterface = $id AND type = 2 and datelast = (SELECT MAX(datelast) FROM fdb)");
while($a2 = pg_fetch_array($r2)) {
<tr><form method="post" action="si905.php?mode=conf">
<input type="hidden" name="num" value="4">
<input type="hidden" name="opt" value="<?php echo $a2[0]; ?>">
<td>Sticky</td><td><?php echo $a2[0]; ?></td><td><input type="submit" value="Supprimer">
include "inc/inc.footer.php";
$types=array(1=>'Other', 6=>'Ethernet CSMA/CD', 9=>'Token ring', 15=>'FDDI', 18=>'DSL', 19=>'DSL', 20=>'ISDN',
21=>'ISDN', 22=>'S&eacute;rie', 23=>'PPP', 24=>'Loopback', 28=>'SLIP', 32=>'Frame relay', 53=>'Virtual', 71=>'802.11',
117=>'Ethernet Gigabit', 135=>'VLAN');
$rroom = pg_query("SELECT idroom, name FROM room WHERE idinterface = '$id'");
if($aroom = pg_fetch_array($rroom))
<h3><a href="room.php?id=<?php echo $aroom[0]; ?>">Chambre <?php echo $aroom[1]."</a>"; ?></h3>
<h3><a href="materiel.php?id=<?php echo $a[0]; ?>"><?php echo $a[1]."</a>/".$a[3]; ?></h3>
<blockquote class="list">
if($mode == "conf")
<table width="100%">
<tr><td><b>ifNumber</b></td><td><?php echo $a[2]; ?></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>ifAddress</b></td><td><?php echo $a[5]; ?></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>ifType</b></td><td><?php echo $a[9]." (".$types[$a[9]].")"; ?></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Description</b></td><td><?php echo ($a[4]==""?"Aucune":$a[4]); ?></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Etat</b></td><td><?php echo ($a[7]==0?"SHUT":($a[8]==1?"UP":"DOWN")); ?></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Vitesse</b></td><td><?php echo $a[6]/1000000; ?>M</td></tr>
switch($a[10]) {
case 0: $vlan = "Ind&eacute;termin&eacute;"; $voice = ""; break;
case -1: $vlan = "Trunk"; $voice = ""; break;
$vlan = $a[10];
if($vlan == 3) $vlan .= " ==> En isolement";
if($a[11] != 0 && $a[11] != 4096) $voice = $a[11];
else $voice = "";
<tr><td><b>VLAN</b></td><td><?php echo $vlan; ?></td></tr>
if($vlan == "Trunk")
echo "<tr><td><b>Native VLAN</b></td><td>${a[12]}</td></tr>\n";
if($voice != "")
echo "<tr><td><b>Voice VLAN</b></td><td>$voice</td></tr>\n";
<tr><td><b>SpanningTree Portfast</b></td><td><?php echo (($a[16]=='t')?"oui":"non"); ?></td></tr>
if($roles['wifi_vlan4']) {?>
[<a href="si905.php?mode=conf">Configurer</a>]
<?php }?>
<h4>Port Security</h4>
<tr><td><b>Activ&eacute;</b></td><td><?php echo (($a[17]=='t')?"oui":"non"); ?></td></tr>
if($a[17] == 't') {
switch($a[18]) {
case 1: $status = "Secure-up"; break;
case 2: $status = "Secure-down"; break;
case 3: $status = "Secure-shutdown"; break;
<tr><td><b>Etat</b></td><td><?php echo $status; ?></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Nb de MAC max</b></td><td><?php echo $a[19]; ?></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Nb de MAC actuel</b></td><td><?php echo $a[20]; ?></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Nb de violations</b></td><td><?php echo $a[21]; ?></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Derni&egrave;re MAC</b></td><td><a href="findmac.php?mac=<?php echo $a[22]; ?>"><?php echo $a[22]; ?></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;(00:00:00:00:00:00 peut &ecirc;tre normal)</td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Sticky activ&eacute;</b></td><td><?php echo (($a[23]=='t')?"oui":"non"); ?></td></tr>
$r = pg_query("SELECT mac, type FROM fdb WHERE idinterface = $id AND type <> 0 and datelast = (SELECT MAX(datelast) FROM fdb)");
if($a = pg_fetch_array($r)) {
while($a) {
echo "<li>".$a[0].($a[1]==1?" (static)":"")."</li>\n";
$a = pg_fetch_array($r);
$r = pg_query("SELECT MAX(datelast) FROM link");
$datelast = pg_fetch_array($r);
$datelast = $datelast[0];
$r = pg_query("SELECT idmateriel, hostname, dstifname, link.datelast FROM link, materiel
WHERE idmateriel = iddstmateriel AND idinterface = $id ORDER BY datelast DESC");
if($a = pg_fetch_array($r)) {
<h4>Mat&eacute;reil connect&eacute; sur cette interface</h4>
while($a) {
echo "<li>".($a[3]==$datelast?"<b>":"")."<a href=\"materiel.php?id=${a[0]}\">${a[1]}</a> / ${a[2]}";
echo ($a[3]==$datelast?"</b>":"")." (".date("D d/m/Y H:i", $a[3]).")</li>\n";
$a = pg_fetch_array($r);
include "inc/inc.footer.php";