yohan 0600f02a13 Shoulder surfing protection with new default option. Enabled only
for logged users as we use logged user's tags to decide what
should be hidden. Tags linked to the tag defined in the
configuration, associated bookmarks, relevant links and
"last searches" block will be hidden. Hidden state is active
unless disabled by clicking on the top right button :
require user's password. This setting is remembered by
a session cookie.
2015-09-18 19:53:21 +02:00

792 lines
14 KiB

* Default configuration file for SemanticScuttle
* This file is included just before config.php.
* If there is something you want to change, copy the lines
* in your personal config.php file.
* Do not modify _this_ file!
* This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.
* @link
* Array for defaults.
* @var array
$defaults = array();
* HTML output configuration
* The name of this site.
* @var string
$sitename = 'SemanticScuttle';
* The welcome message on the homepage.
* @var string
$welcomeMessage = 'Welcome to SemanticScuttle!'
. ' Social bookmarking for small communities.';
* HTML message appearing at the bottom of the page.
* (just above SemanticScuttle credits)
* @var string
$footerMessage = '';
* HTML message appearing at the top of the sidebar
* @var string
$sidebarTopMessage = '';
* HTML message appearing at the bottom of the sidebar
* @var string
$sidebarBottomMessage = '';
* The HTML theme to use. With themes, you can give your semanticscuttle
* installation a new look.
* Themes are the folders in data/templates/
* @var string
$theme = 'default';
* System configuration
* SemanticScuttle root directory.
* Set to NULL to autodetect the root url of the website.
* If your installation is in a subdirectory like
* "" then
* replace NULL by your address (between "" and with trailing '/')
* The autodetection works for both HTTP and HTTPS urls.
* If you offer HTTP *only*, then set your root url here.
* @var string
$root = null;
* Translation from locales/ folder.
* Examples: de_DE, en_GB, fr_FR
* @var string
$locale = 'en_GB';
* If the cache shall be used (true/false)
* @var boolean
$usecache = false;
* Cache directory.
* @var string
$dir_cache = dirname(__FILE__) . '/cache/';
* Use clean urls without .php filenames.
* Requires mod_rewrite (for Apache) to be active.
* @var boolean
$cleanurls = false;
* Show debug messages.
* This setting is recommended when setting up SemanticScuttle,
* and when hacking on it.
* @var boolean
$debugMode = false;
* Database configuration
* Database driver
* available:
* mysql4, mysqli, mysql, oracle, postgres, sqlite, db2, firebird,
* mssql, mssq-odbc
* @var string
$dbtype = 'mysql4';
* Database hostname/IP
* @var string
$dbhost = '';
* Database port.
* When using mysqli, leave this to null
* - connecting will fail otherwise.
* @var string|integer
$dbport = null;
* Database username
* @var string
$dbuser = 'username';
* Database password
* @var string
$dbpass = 'password';
* Name of database
* @var string
$dbname = 'scuttle';
* Database table name prefix.
* Do not use "-" since this is badly handled by MySQL.
* @var string
$tableprefix = 'sc_';
* If the database needs to be switched to UTF8
* manually or not. If true, a "SET NAMES UTF8" query
* will be sent at the beginning. If you need performance,
* save this query and set it in your mysql server options.
* @var boolean
$dbneedssetnames = true;
* Users
* Contact address for the site administrator.
* Used as the FROM address in password retrieval e-mails.
* @var string
$adminemail = '';
* Array of user names who have admin rights
* Example:
* <code>
* $admin_users = array('adminnickname', 'user1nick', 'user2nick');
* </code>
* @var array
$admin_users = array();
* If admin users can edit or delete bookmarks belonging to other users.
* @var boolean
$adminsCanModifyBookmarksFromOtherUsers = true;
* If tags from other admins are proposed to each admin
* (in add/edit a bookmark page).
* @var boolean
$adminsAreAdvisedTagsFromOtherAdmins = false;
* Array of usernames that cannot be registered
* @var array
$reservedusers = array('all', 'watchlist');
* If global private mode is enabled (everything will be blocked for unlogged users).
* @var boolean
$privatemode = false;
* Anti SPAM measures
* A question to avoid spam.
* Shown on user registration page.
* @var string
* @see $antispamAnswer
$antispamQuestion = 'name of this application';
* The answer to the antispam question
* Users have to write exactly this string.
* @var string
* @see $antispamQuestion
$antispamAnswer = 'semanticscuttle';
* Enable or disable user registration
* @var boolean
$enableRegistration = true;
* Display Templates
* Directory where the template files should be loaded from.
* Template files are *.tpl.php
* @var string
$TEMPLATES_DIR = dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/';
* Header template file.
* Included before content files.
* @var string
$top_include = '';
* Footer template file.
* Included after content has been generated and output.
* @var string
$bottom_include = '';
* Ordering of sidebar blocks.
* See $menu2Tags for item of menu2
* @var array
* @see $menu2Tags
$index_sidebar_blocks = array(
* Bookmarks
* Format for short dates.
* Used in date() calls
* @var string
* @link
$shortdate = 'Y-m-d';
* Format of long dates.
* Used in date() calls.
* @var string
* @link
$longdate = 'j F Y';
* Include rel="nofollow" attribute on bookmark links
* @var boolean
$nofollow = true;
* Default number of bookmarks per page.
* -1 means no limit.
* @var integer
* @see $defaultPerPageForAdmins
$defaultPerPage = 10;
* Default number of bookmarks per page for admins.
* -1 means no limit.
* @var integer
* @see $defaultPerPage
$defaultPerPageForAdmins = 10;
* Number of days that bookmarks or tags are considered "recent".
* @var integer
$defaultRecentDays = 14;
* Bookmark ordering
* (date, title, url)
* in order ascending or descending
* - date_desc - By date of entry descending.
* Latest entry first. (Default)
* - date_asc - By date of entry ascending.
* Earliest entry first.
* - title_desc - By title, descending alphabetically.
* - title_asc - By title, ascending alphabetically.
* - url_desc - By URL, descending alphabetically.
* - url_asc - By URL, ascending alphabetically.
* @var string
$defaultOrderBy = 'date_desc';
* Database field to use when sorting by date.
* Options here are 'bModified' to sort after
* modification date, and 'bDatetime' to sort
* after creation date
* @var string
$dateOrderField = 'bModified';
* What to show instead of a description if
* a bookmark has none.
* Default is '-'. Setting this to '' will collapse
* the description row for bookmarks without
* a description.
* @var string
$blankDescription = '-';
* Number of entries that are shown in
* the RSS feed by default.
* @var integer
$defaultRssEntries = 15;
* Number of entries the RSS puts out
* at maximum.
* @var integer
$maxRssEntries = 100;
* Redirect all bookmarks through $url_redir to improve privacy.
* @var boolean
* @see $url_redir
$useredir = false;
* URL prefix for bookmarks to redirect through.
* @var string
* @see $useredir
$url_redir = '';
* Enable short URL service.
* Can be used to visit urls using
* @var boolean
$shorturl = true;
* Array of bookmark extensions that Scuttle should add system tags for.
* When adding an URL with one of the given extensions, a system
* tag is automatically assigned.
* @var array
$filetypes = array(
'audio' => array('mp3', 'ogg', 'wav'),
'document' => array('doc', 'odt', 'pdf'),
'image' => array('gif', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png'),
'video' => array('avi', 'mov', 'mp4', 'mpeg', 'mpg', 'wmv')
* Link protocols that are allowed for newly added bookmarks.
* This prevents i.e. adding javascript: links.
* @link
* @var array
$allowedProtocols = array(
'ftp', 'ftps',
'http', 'https',
'mailto', 'nntp',
* Enable the "common bookmark description" functionality
* @var boolean
$enableCommonBookmarkDescription = true;
* Enable bookmark voting system
* @var boolean
$enableVoting = true;
* Voting mode:
* 1 - voting badge
* 2 - voting links: hand up/down
* @var integer
$votingMode = 2;
* Hide bookmarks below a certain voting from all users.
* Null to deactivate it.
* @var integer
$hideBelowVoting = null;
* Default privacy setting for bookmarks:
* 0 - Public
* 1 - Shared with Watchlist
* 2 - Private
* @var integer
$defaults['privacy'] = 0;
* Website Thumbnails
* Which thumbnail service type to use.
* Currently supported:
* - null (no screenshots)
* - 'phancap', see
* @var string
$thumbnailsType = null;
* Configuration for thumbnail service.
* Phancap requires an array with the following keys:
* - url: URL to phancap's get.php file
* - token: user name (if access protected)
* - secret: password for the user (if access protected)
* @var array
$thumbnailsConfig = array();
* Tags
* Enable common tag descriptions
* @var boolean
$enableCommonTagDescription = true;
* If everybody may edit common tag description.
* When set to false, only admins can do it.
* @var boolean
$enableCommonTagDescriptionEditedByAll = true;
* Name of the tag whose subtags will appear in the menu box.
* @var string
* @see $maxSizeMenuBlock
$menuTag = 'menu';
* Maximum number of items (tags) appearing in menu box.
* @var integer
* @see $menuTag
$maxSizeMenuBlock = 7;
* List of tags used by menu2 sidebar box
* Empty list = hidden menu2 box
* menu2 displays linked tags just belonging to admins.
* @var array
$menu2Tags = array(
'menu2', 'tags', 'configurable', 'in', 'data/config.php'
* Tag protected from shoulder surfing.
* This tag, his children and the associated bookmarks won't appear anywhere unless enabled in the UI.
* @var string
$shoulderSurfingProtectedTag = 's_hidden';
* Search
* Number of users' searches that are saved.
* 10 is default, -1 means unlimited.
* @var integer
$sizeSearchHistory = 10;
* Enable Google Search Engine into "gsearch/" folder.
* @var boolean
$enableGoogleCustomSearch = false;
* Other
* Enables special colors on admin pages and bookmarks.
* Colors mark the difference to normal users.
* @var boolean
$enableAdminColors = true;
* FIXME: explain better
* Add a possible anchor (structured content) for bookmarks description field
* a simple value "xxx" (like "author") automatically associates xxx with
* [xxx][/xxx].
* A complex value "xxx"=>"yyy" (like "address") directly
* associates xxx with yyy.
* @var array
$descriptionAnchors = array(
'address' => '[address][street][/street][city][/city][/address]'
* GoogleAnalytics tracking code.
* Empty string disables analytics.
* @var string
* @link
$googleAnalyticsCode = null;
* avahi export script
* Location of avahi service files,
* often /etc/avahi/services/
* @var string
$avahiServiceFilePath = '/etc/avahi/services/';
* File name prefix of SemanticScuttle-generated
* service files
* @var string
$avahiServiceFilePrefix = 'semanticscuttle-';
* Name of tag that bookmarks need to have to
* get exported into avahi service files.
* @var string
$avahiTagName = 'zeroconf';
* Array of key value pairs to override service class names.
* Key is the old service name ("User"), value the new class
* name.
* @var array
$serviceoverrides = array();
* External user authentication
* Type of external authentication via PEAR Auth
* To use this, you also need to set
* $serviceoverrides['User'] = 'SemanticScuttle_Service_AuthUser';
* @link
* @var string
$authType = null;
* Options for external authentication via PEAR Auth
* @link
* @var array
$authOptions = null;
* Enable debugging for PEAR Authentication
* @var boolean
$authDebug = false;
* Optional prefix to create email addresses from user names.
* i.e. "" to create "" email address
* from "user" username.
* @var string
$authEmailSuffix = null;
* URL unittests are being run against
* Has to have a trailing slash
* @var string
$unittestUrl = null;
* Allow "unittestMode=1" in URLs.
* Should only be enabled on development systems
* @var boolean
$allowUnittestMode = false;